Luke 10:41-42

"But the Lord answered her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.'"

Saturday, September 6, 2014

30 months and 30 weeks

The munchkin is officially 2 and a half today.  The way she acts and talks you'd think she's much older.  It's fascinating to watch her figure things out and convey what she's thinking.  She knows her colors, if she sees letters calls them "ABCs".  She'll occasionally count "123" and can identify a few shapes.  She loves going on bike rides with her daddy to the playground, coloring, reading books, and watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  She's still in gymnastics once a week and other parents often comment on how strong she is and how well she can do the little routines (when she wants to follow directions).  She started Parent's Day Out this week and didn't even look back when we dropped her off.  We're really excited to see how much more she'll learn from being there, one that we're hoping for is potty training.  This summer ended up being so busy (I worked all of June, then we visited family most of July) that I couldn't get into a consistent routine, but even so, the interest isn't quite there yet.

Her little sister is 30 weeks along.  I found out I was pregnant 2 days before the munchkin's birthday and got her a Big Sister shirt to open as my way to announce it to her daddy. This pregnancy has been thankfully uneventful, but the first trimester was tougher than I remember it being before.  I wasn't working full time or chasing a toddler before so the nasuea and fatigue was especially rough.  We made the decision to deliver at a birthing center this time, so we're praying that this will be another smooth (and hopefully shorter!) labor without any complications that would require a hospital stay. The munchkin is excited about being a big sister and kisses my belly and talks to the baby.  We've been reading books and encouraging her to take good care of her baby dolls to try and prepare her. The office is now being taken over by baby stuff but we're so grateful for the generosity of friends and family to share things with us.  My co-workers have been great about making sure I don't push myself too much or carry heavy things.  The comments and questions from students are pretty cute, too.

We'll see if there's another post before the baby comes!

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