Luke 10:41-42

"But the Lord answered her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.'"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fun Fall

The last month since I've posted has been a busy one.  We participated in the Walk to End Alzheimer's as a family and raised almost $300 for research thanks to the generosity of friends and family.  The next weekend my husband took the munchkin out on his own to the Ft. Worth Zoo for a family birthday party.  It's a lot of work to take her out now.  As we transition to solid food, some days she eats more than others, so I have to keep plenty of food and breastmilk on hand for her.  She's still an impatient eater so timing is everything.  I am really enjoying making her food and seeing her reactions to the new tastes.  All the fruits we've given her have been a hit; vegetables are a little tougher.  She likes peas, carrots, and squash and I'm going to introduce green beans next.

I've also discovered that I'm actually enjoying cooking.  Not at the place where I can regularly look in the fridge and cupboard and just throw something together, but I can look at a recipe, see what we've have and like and make it work.  Never before have I had a pantry, but now I keep staples around so I don't have to run out to the grocery store all the time.  The Crock-pot and Pinterest are my friend.  It also helps that I cook for a man who appreciates and eats whatever I make and loves leftovers.

The munchkin likes coming to the zoo with me for the mommy and me class.  She has a 11 month old friend there to play with and we get two walks there each week.  Last week we got to ride the carousel twice and feed the giraffes.  My job is awesome.

One of my best friends got married last weekend so there's been lots going on to prepare for her big day.  It was a wonderful celebration of God bringing two people together that are perfect for each other.  I was a bridesmaid for the fourth time in about a year and the munchkin was a flower girl for the first time.  She and two of her little girlfriends rode in a wagon down the aisle.  Even with a couple of practice runs, there was no way of knowing how they'd do for the ceremony but it couldn't have gone better.  They were so interested in the music and all the people watching that they didn't have a chance to get upset.  They're at the age where they sit up well but can't crawl so they were content being pulled by the ring bearer (who was excellent, by the way).

Speaking of crawling, it's going to happen any day now.  Little L isn't content to just sit up anymore and quickly gets on all fours.  She scoots backwards (today, halfway under the couch) but can't figure out how to move forward yet.  And now she's getting frustrated that she can't do it.  I'm trying to balance letting her struggle and problem solve without getting herself too upset.

We're also waiting on some teeth to break through.  They've really been bothering her the last couple of days.  She doesn't cry but yells when it's especially uncomfortable.  We go outside a lot and me singing helps.  That and chewing on anything she can get a hold of.  She's a big fan of paper and plastic; we have to keep a sharp eye on whatever we're holding because she grabs for it quickly.

This weekend will be our annual trip to the State Fair and then it's Halloween.  I'm planning on making her costume like my mom used to do for me.  I don't sew so we'll see what happens.  Fortunately L has a very talented and patient aunt to help me.

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